13 Colonies: The Truth?

UNIVERSITY OF MAINE AT FARMINGTON COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, HEALTH AND REHABILITATION LESSON PLAN FORMAT Teacher’s Name: Ms. Dunne Date of Lesson: Grade Level: 7 Topic: 13 Colonies to Independence Objectives Student will understand the settlements of the colonies and their disputes with the British Parliament. Student will know British Parliament, 13 Colonies, Trade, Disputes, Revolution, Student will be able to do Maine Learning Results Alignment Content Area Civics Standard Label Grade Level Span 7 Performance Indicator(s) Rationale The students will understand the process leading to the independence of the 13 Colonies from the British Parliament and why they needed to break free. Assessment Formative (Assessment for Learning) Summative (Assessment of Learning) Integration Groupings Differentiated Instruction Strategies Modifications/Accommodations Extensions Materials, Resources and Technology Source for Lesson Plan and Research Teaching and Learning Sequence: ➡ Attendance ➡ Today in History ➡ Hook: “School House Rock: American Revolution” ➡ Review discussion: ➡ The teacher will project pieces of the book “The Mental Floss: History of the United States” by Eric Sass on the Smartboard using the Document Reader. Call on students who quietly raise their hand to read: Pages 36-37 Go through the Timeline of “What Happened When”. Pages 38-42 “Lies your Teacher Told You” Go through an look at the issues that the Coloniest faced and decide (thumbs up-thumbs in the middle-or thumbs down) wiether the Colonist had a reason to be upset. ➡ Get out your text books and turn to page ____ and look at the chart with each act laid out. This should help piece together what the other book was talking about. -Exit Question: on an Index Card the students will answer the following question? Who did the 13 Colonies want to break away from and why? Give at least 2 in-depth and logical reasons why? Who? Why?
