Constitutional Convention Theatrical

No matter what age your students may be this is a perfect way for them to get the full overview. It is a great lesson where they get everything from "foundations of U.S. government. This play reviews the Treaty of Paris, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitutional Convention, and the ratification of the U.S. Constitution". To access the Readers Theater: This says it's a 3-5 lesson, but I have a bunch of Advanced 8th Graders whom are in Drama class and they EAT this stuff up! I just took off the first page, that's really for the teacher anywho, and photocopied a class set of pages 2-4. This was a success. We did readers theater for the Declaratin of Independence and it really did give "The Big Idea's". It was Awesome. That time I had the class sectioned out with two students (from the script) at the head and then desks angled torward them to get the full effect. It was EPIC to say the least. Each time we do this or play an iCivics game, they seem to retain it SO much more.
If you try it out you'll know why ;)
