Black History Month Lesson

Openner: have the students write down on an index card as many words as they can think of that go with Black History month and why we celebrate the strives that Blacks have made throught the course of history. Then have them call out wourds while you have Wordle open on your computer. If you have never used wordle, what it does, is it takes the words you put in and places them into a visual picture for you. It;s a great way for checkign for understanding and comprehension, because it puts the words that are repeated more often larger than the words you put in less frequently. If you've never ued it, look it up. Activity: -Start by handing out blank pieces of paper and have them write out their "DREAMS". Put some ideas that are grade/ age approriate on the board. - Each student may then shares these dreams/ goals with others at their table, if they feel comfortable. -Hand out red hearts (one per kid, made from red paper) and Tell the students to pick one dream and write it in with the blacks sharpies provided for them. -Then watch Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous "I have a dream" speech and have them jot down his "dreams" on the back of the first paper. - Hand out Pink hearts now (one per kid, made from pink paper) and tell them to pick one dream that MLK had that we are still working torward in our society today. End of the Activity: - Hang a picture of MLK in your room or in the hallway -place a disciption of the activity underneath: like "striving to keep his dreams and our own close to our hearts" -then place the hearts around it. :D
