Enlightenment Thinkers: Facebook Project

Materials, Resources and Technology -My computer, youtube, textbooks, pencils, pens, paper, and a projector. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qzxXulTS3E Source for Lesson Plan and Research -The teacher resource book -Our hook: -The textbooks Teaching and Learning Sequence: Day One: Agenda: foundations of democracy • Attendance: The teacher will take attendance at the front laptop. • Today in History: The teacher will show the students the daily video on the this day in history and answer any follow up questions. • Hook: The teacher will show the hook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qzxXulTS3E • The teacher will review the above video and begin the lesson by calling students up to get their text book by birthday month. Then ask them to turn to page 84 and take out a piece of paper. • The teacher will them instruct them through the instruction on the bottom of page 84 for taking note: The Events & Effects chart. • We will then take turns reading each paragraph in this section and pausing so that the students may fill out their graphic organizer. Day Two: Agenda: Enlightenment thinkers • Attendance • Today in history • Hook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tO1NkB4_zzQ&playnext=1&list=PL48E744C6836952B3&feature=results_main • Today we will eb discussing the Magna Carta and examining it in depth. At the end of class I will be introducing the Enlightenment. Next class we will be in the computer labs researching the Enlightenment thinkers in a whole new and fun way! • http://teachers.henrico.k12.va.us/specialist/ganzert_j/socialstudiesonline/StudyMaps/Grade12StudyMaps/Govt.2b.pdf we will look at the differences between the English bill of rights and the Magna Carta • Now we will look at the Magna Carta: The teacher will pull up http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/medieval/government/magnacarta.htm and walk through the explanation step-by-step • Note: “The Magna Carta is considered the first document that guaranteed the rights of the average citizen from the king of England. It set the groundwork for English common law and, later, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.” • Intro to the enlightenment pages 88-89 Day Three: Agenda: Computer Lab for the thinkers • The students will meet me in lab 322 • Attendance • Today in history • Introduce the thinkers with a hook video • Today you will be researching the enlightenment thinkers. The websites that you may use are on my school website. Also, on there you will find a document link for a facebook template. You must create a facebook for your assigned enlightenment thinker. The teacher will be assigning you in a moment. • Requirements: o Name o Years lived o Where they lived o Their beliefs in “postings” • You must save and send this to the printer when the teacher has approved you to print.
