Nike ReUse-A-Shoe Program

Service learning project taken to the next level: Watch as our Florida 7th Graders give back! I will be updating my blog on the progress that my kids are making. As 7th graders in the state of Florida, they are required to give back to the community in some way! This is what we picked! It's a wicked cool program and Nike covers it all, except the poster board and markers to advertise it. Check out the article bellow that we wrote up for the newsletter to get an idea of what we are in for: Newsletter Article: Watch Your Kicks Make a Comeback! The 7th Grade class is doing a service learning project to give back to other communities in need. They need your help to reach their goal. The Nike Shoe Drve programs helps build sports areas for communities in need. Nike Grind Rubber, made from the shoe's outsole, is used in track surfaces, interlocking gym flooring tiles, playground surfacing and even new Nike products, such as the outsoles of the Nike Pegasus or the Jordan XX3. It’s also used in trim items like buttons and zipper pulls. Nike Grind Foam, made from the shoe's midsole, is used as a cushion for outdoor basketball and tennis courts, as well as futsal fields. Nike Grind Fiber, made from the shoe's fabric upper, is used in the creation of cushioning pads for facilities like indoor synthetic courts and wood courts. So clean out your closets and put those shoes to work. It may come back to our community or another community throughout the country. They have collected 28,00,000 shoes globally since 1990. Our goal is 500 pairs! All you have to do is bring in your old sneakers and the 7th grade class and Nike will do the rest! Donations will be accepted in Mrs. Spakes and Ms. Dunnes room and in a bin in the lobby until the end of October. The website for further info is Remember: WORN OUT. PLAY ON. TURN YOUR OLD SPORTS SHOES INTO PLACES TO PLAY.
