Functions of Government

This is how we broke it down

Forms Of Government Hook: Vocab: public policy, representative democracy, constitutional monarchy, majority rule, authoritarian, regime, totalitarian, resolve, and ideology. The students will understand that people form governments to establish order, provide security, and accomplish common goals. Essential Question: Why do people create, structure, and change governments. Agenda: Þ Fill out the forms of government graphic organizers step by step on the board with the students. (p.71) Keep in order: Pass and enforce laws to deter crime & Establish courts. Provide Security: Establish armed forces & Protect citizen from foreign attacks. Provide Services: Protect public health, Protect public safety, & Provide public welfare. Guide the Community: Develop public policy, Manage the Econ., Conduct foreign relations. “Governments serve many different purposes” Go over the Chart Skills with the students: Identifying and Evaluating. -Lecture From Lesson book on The Importance of Government -Place questions on the board for them to discuss with their partners * The teacher will star one for them to answer and place as an exit question in the voting box
