
Today I showed my students the documentary: "102 Minutes That Changed America." It's amazing to think that in 102 Minutes 19 men with 4 planes took more lives from us than 3 Days at battle at Gettysburg with guns, cannons, and knives. The quote "A Date in Which Will Live in Infamy" from the speech given after Pearl Harbor by FDR is a quote that can apply here as well. Let not the heroism of that day ever be forgotten! September 11th, 2012 A day to remember for all of time Hook: Talk about what Sept. 11th is and why it’s important to know about. Vocab: Al Qaeda, Hijack, Pentagon, Foreign Entity, Vigils, Resilience, Kamikaze, World Trade Centers, Remembrance, Memorial, Patriotism, and Nation. The students will understand the toll that this took on the nation and how much this event impacted the nation as a whole. Agenda: -The teacher will take attendance. -The teacher will introduce the topic, the sensitivity of the topic, and go over the vocab terms on the board. The teacher will briefly explain how the situation happened and where the other plans hit. The teacher will also introduce the Senses graphic organizer that the students will be filling out about how the video makes them feel, what they are seeing, etc. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8ZmMtXQ3gM 102 minutes that changed America. -I will talk to the students about the feeling that the people there and around the world may have had. I will inform them that the classroom that I was sitting in went into code yellow lock down because it began in my home town. I will express the feelings that I felt and the fears that I and many more Americans felt across the nation. -At the end of class each student will sign a poster that the teacher has made with the quote "Let not the heroism of that day ever be forgotten!" Homework: Writing Prompt: The students will be given a writing prompt based on the information given to them for September 11th. The students will need to fill a page with their personal answer to the question given to them. They don't need to look up any additional information. The students will just need to answer the question in journal form on the paper provided for them.
