TITLE: The effects of a controversial war (Iraq War)

LESSON PLAN Mr. Dean and Ms. Dunne United States History TITLE: The effects of a controversial war OBJECTIVES: Students will understand the effects the War in Iraq has had on the people, places, and environment across Iraq as well as in the United States. They will also know of the controversy this war has caused in not only the two countries directly involved but also around the World. MATERIALS LIST: Laptops with internet connection, list of websites with good current events, video clip of Bush declaring war, and Story Map’s for students to organize the information from their current events. ASSESSMENT: Students will be picking 2 current events from websites I give them about the Iraq War and they will be using their Story Maps to show what each current event is about. One current event needs to be about the effects seen here in the United States and the other has to be about the effects seen in Iraqi cities. After they do this they will then have to write approximately a 1 to 2 page reactionary paper on the current events similarities and differences and whether or not the war hits home for them. MOTIVATION: Students will be motivated to do this assignment because this war is ongoing and a lot of times can be at the forefront of their lives. They are also at a stage of their lives where they should be formulating their own opinions on controversial issues such as this war. GAME PLAN: - Attendance will be taken then we will watch a YouTube clip of President Bush declaring war on Iraq (10 mins). - Now we will have a class discussion talking about what the class knows about the War and the reasons for the United States invading Iraq (15 mins). - This discussion will be followed by in-class reading on articles of opposition against the war from different areas of the World. The class will be split up into groups where each group will read a different article and discuss the main points of the article as a group (15 mins). - Another whole class discussion will ensue where each group will discuss the article they read and the key points to them (15 mins). - Students will then be given a list of websites to visit to find current events on the war and they will also be given their Story maps where they will organize the information from the current events (5 mins). - The assignment will be explained to the class and they will have the rest of period to find their current events and start completing their assignment which will be due by the next class period (20 mins). RATINGS:
