Community Puzzle Activity

Community Puzzle Activity Objectives: Students will understand the diverse cultures that exist within their own class. Students will know how different cultures are presented in the households that their peers live in. Students will be able to explain what different types of household that are present in our community. Standards: Career and Education Development Standards: A3 Interpersonal Skills: Performance Indicators & Descriptors Students demonstrate behaviors that reflect positive interpersonal skills and analyze how positive interpersonal skills lead to success in a variety of school, work, and community settings. a. Getting along with others b. Respecting diversity c. Working as a member of a team d. Managing conflict e. Accepting/giving/using constructive feedback f. Accepting responsibility for personal behavior g. Demonstrating ethical behavior h. Following established rules/etiquette for observing/listening i. Demonstrating safe behavior j. Dealing with peer pressure Social Studies Standards: E2 Individual, Cultural, International, and Global Connections in History: Students understand historical aspects of unity and diversity in Maine, the United States, and various world cultures, including Maine Native Americans. a. Explain how both unity and diversity have had important roles in the history of Maine, the United States, and other nations. b. Identify and compare a variety of cultures through time, including comparisons of native and immigrant groups in the United States, and eastern and western societies in the world. c. Describe major turning points and events in the history of Maine Native Americans, various historical and recent immigrant groups in Maine, the United States, and other cultures in the world. Rationale: The students will be able to show how different and diverse our classroom really is. Although students may be similar in some ways, they may be much different in others. Students will develop a sense of belonging, independence, and individuality, while gaining a sense of respect for others and their lives. Procedure: 1. Introduce: The teacher will introduce the activity. They will explain how diversity week opens our eyes to different ways people live and celebrate their culture and diversity. This activity will show them what differences are present in our classroom. The students will be receiving puzzle pieces and the teacher will be giving them questions to answer on the pieces. (about 7 mins.) 2. Handout the puzzle pieces. ( about 2 mins.) 3. The teacher will ask the questions about the students lives and the students will answer on one of their puzzle pieces for each question. (about 16 mins) • How old are you? • Where are you from? • What religion are you, if you have one? • What nationality are you, if you know? • What is a meal that best represents your family? • How many siblings do you have? 4. Put the puzzle together. (5-10 mins) The entire activity should take about 20-30 minutes. Materials: • Puzzle • Markers Modifications: • Grade level (as long as the questions are age-level appropriate) • Group size • Environment in which the activity is done. It can be done outside on a nice day. • There can be different questions used
