Ahmir: "Perfect" for the perfect FIRST DAY

Lesson Plans for first day: *Hand out #s to assign the kids to a table as they come in 1) Attendance and have them write down their hw Assignment: Syllabus-Print, Sign, and Parent Signs. 2)Video: http://youtu.be/gliHyklHr6c Ahmir “Perfect” -Rules… go over the 5 P’s hanging in the class… each is a “learned behavior”… explain how the video mentions that bullying is a learned behavior and what a learned behavior is... the 5 P’s are the learned behaviors that should be habits by the end of the day. -Go Over 7th Grade Requirements with the Civics class: • Community Service: Nike- explain that it may even go to the inner city students in the video. • Mock Election- Relates to the Election that is going on right now. • Mock trial- once I have further info, I will let them know. 3) Show them how to get to my website from HMM and where the Syllabus is on there - Go over Syllabus 4) *Team names: -One student picks an index card with the “theme” -The “teams” pick their name based on the theme -Fill out the index card with the name, day and period, plus their group members names 5) Name game -Post examples of adjectives on the smart board -Play the adjective name game: “Jumping Jim” or “bouncy Bob” 6) Interviews: -Show questions on the board and make them go find someone that they havent stood next to yet or are in a team with.
