50 Positive Reinforcers (AKA EVEN MORE)

50 Positive Reinforcers 1. Praise 2. Get a break for food 3. Get to take a mini free time break 4. Get a star on a chart 5. Get to play around the world with the study work 6. Get an award, hand written 7. Longer lunch period 8. Extra play time 9. Get to listen to music while do work 10. Get to sit next to a friend 11. Get to work in a group 12. Get to do a extra ‘fun’ assignment 13. Build up points for rewards 14. Get coupons redeemable for free get out of hw cards or something of the such 15. Social reinforcement 16. Nap time 17. A cut down on workload 18. Allowed to work on hw in class 19. Get to work on the hw with another student 20. Get to work on class work within a group 21. Get a smiley or something written on their paper for good performance 23. SMILE 24. Words of encouragement 25. Them/ alone time 26. Let out of class a few mins early 27. Get to play a fun learning activity with the work your doing 28. Play Jeopardy with the study guide/ class work 29. Free reading time 30. Time to do any hw, even if from another class 31. Get to play a sports activity outside 32. Invent a homework assignment 33. Get to watch a movie 34. Make a poster instead of a normal assignment 35. Get to have the option from a few different types of assignments 36. Allowed to do a group project 37. Take the class outside to do their hw 38. Write positive comments on their papers 39. Give them class time to edit their work 40. Get extra points on next assignment 41. Read aloud so we can all follow along 42. Silent reading time 43. Bring in their own music to listen to 44. Easy class the next class 45. Create a fun project with your work 46. Power point day instead of a lecture day 47. Lecture day instead of tons of book reading 48. Group discussions 49. Time to talk with your friends 50. Big words and sayings of encouragement *can not emphasize enough* although may kind of said before this is a BIG one
