Outside The Comfort Zone (WWII)

Title: Outside The Comfort Zone (WWII) Objectives: The students will understand and have a feel for the affect the war had on the people that were targeted, captured, displaced, tortured, or even killed during the war. Materials List: documentary, projector & screen, graphic organizer, and blog. Assessment: Participation 25%, Graphic Organizer 25%, and the Blog exercise 50%. Motivation: This is activity will provide a great visual for the students to be able to understand the effects of the war on the people, places, and environment that was taken over by war during this time. Game Plan: -After taking attendance the teachers will explain/ introduce the documentary and graphic organizer. (10-15 mins) -The teachers will pass out the graphic organizer observation chart and start the movie. The students will be filling out the graphic organizer while watching the documentary. (35 mins) -When the documentary has finished the teachers will allow the students to complete their graphic organizer for a minute or two. (5 mins) -The teachers will go over a few things that the student ‘felt’ during the movie. The teachers will ask the students “why do you think it made you feel this way?” (10-15 mins) -The teachers will explain how will explain how some of these people were neighbors or friends before the war began. Then the teachers will explain the blog exercise that the students will be doing for homework. The blog question that the students will be writing on will be put on the board where the students can ask any clarifying questions. “How would you feel if your neighbors or friends tuned on you and your family for being who you were?” (10 mins)
