Recycled Windchime Project

Recycled Windchime Project

This is great for Mothers Day, a present for a Volunteer in your classroom, or an Earth Day project.

In the picture you can see ours is themed kitchen style from garage sale stuff, sooooo....
-String, fishing wire, other wire, etc (whatever you have)
-fake flowers
-random kitchen utensils
-beads to spice it up

1: We started by tying nots with the clear wax string that we had into the bottom of the strainer.
2: We added beads randomly into the string.
3: We tied on the utensils based on where they would clang the most with one solid piece in the middle.
4: we tied a string from handle to handle
5: we added a floral arrangement inside and tied it down with string and tape
6: we cut of any extras hanging around
