Today Show: Student Bullying Causes Suicide

This morning on the Today Show they had a thing about a student that committed suicide due to bullying from peers. Shortly after this topic was finished they began talking about a book that just came out about stars, such as Bill Gates and Bruce Springsteen, that were outcasts in high school, but now are very well known and well off. My thought process was, why didn't they connect the two?!?! Students need to hear that it can get better. Teachers need to tell students that it does get better. My mom always told me that the "geeky" one in high school always end up being the hottest and most successful after high school and the "popular" ones alway end up being a mail man or garbage truck person (so far this has proven to be true), but i just rolled my eyes at her and never listened (she's my Mom, why would I listen to her?). If a teacher that I looked up to in high school had told me that, I would have listened. If a teacher in high school told me that the bullying that's happening to me now wont matter later on in life and will only make me stronger and able to help me out in my future carreer (teaching) I would have listened.
Todays challenge/ lesson idea:
Take chapters from books that show people that struggled and made it. People, like Bruce Springsteen and Bill Gates, have made it through and done something. Show your students that and You WILL Make A Difference
